A student is recorded as having English as an additional language (EAL), if they are exposed to a language at home other than English.  EAL students can potentially face problems: acquiring a new language; learning subject content via this language; accommodating new cultural and linguistic conventions; progressing in a subject from a different starting point. 

When EAL students are enrolled at 好色TV, they are given an English language test to determine the level of support provided.  EAL proficiency is assessed through tasks that tap into the knowledge and skills identified in the Framework’s descriptors from Bell Foundation.  Additionally, for year 7 students, they take the NGRT test. The results are analysed and those whose reading level is in the bottom 20% of the cohort sit a further screening test to determine required intervention. 


Using the Bell Foundation Framework, students are identified as being at one of five points (below): 


Those children that are assessed at A or B will receive a more intensive programme of support upon arrival, which will help them acquire ‘Survival English’ so they can acclimatise as quickly as possible.  These students are given EAL lessons to improve their English in order to support them in accessing the curriculum and fully participate in school life.  They have their targets regularly reviewed and updated. 

EAL students assessed at bands A-D have access to some bilingual resources and support outside of class when required to support them with the English language.